Tyrol in detail

Losses for ÖVP & Greens, jubilation for FP, SP & Neos

11.06.2024 10:00

The Tyrolean People's Party suffers another heavy defeat in the EU elections. Meanwhile, the Freedom Party made gains in 274 of the 277 Tyrolean municipalities, some of them very strong. The Greens came second in Innsbruck and fifth behind the Neos in all other districts.

The state result from 2024 compared to the 2019 EU election was reversed in Tyrol. Five years ago, more than half (53.2%) of those eligible to vote went to the polls. This time, only 47.8%. The ÖVP received 42.6% of the vote in 2019 with "Turbo" Sebastian Kurz. On Sunday, it received 29.8% (-12.8%).

An official ballot paper for the EU election. (Bild: APA/ROLAND SCHLAGER)
An official ballot paper for the EU election.

Party DNA nationwide razor-thin ahead of the KPÖ
Many of these voters probably went to the FPÖ, which came in at 23.9%, an increase of 8.8% and a clear second place. It was followed by the SPÖ, which came third with 17.98%. The Greens lost massively. While they still had 16.3% in 2019, they now had 11.6% (-4.7%), which was only slightly more than the Neos with 11.4% (+2.6%). Fifth place went to the DNA party (Democratic - Neutral - Authentic) with 2.68%, with the KPÖ bringing up the rear (2.62%).

The ÖVP:
It had achieved between 40 and 55% in all districts in 2019. Except in Innsbruck city, but even there it was enough for first place with 27%. This time, it did not exceed the 40% mark in any district except Landeck (40.8%). In the districts of Lienz and Reutte, traditionally deep in the black, it lost around 16% each and sank to 37%. In the district of Kufstein, VP (30.1%) and FP (27.8%) are now only 2.3% apart.

Radiant winner Harald Vilimsky. (Bild: APA/HELMUT FOHRINGER)
Radiant winner Harald Vilimsky.

FPÖ strength in the districts of Schwaz and Kufstein
The FPÖ:
With almost 24%, it achieved a "dream result". However, in the 1996 European elections, the blue party had already achieved a higher share of the vote with 33.7%. In terms of districts, they were clearly in second place everywhere (except in the city of Innsbruck, see page 21). The best results were achieved in the districts of Schwaz (28.3%) and Kufstein (27.8%), the worst in the provincial capital (18.1%).

The SPÖ:
It can also count itself among the winners, although it only made minimal gains. This time, it achieved 17.98% (an increase of 2.5% compared to 2019). Pleasingly for the Social Democrats: they won in Innsbruck Stadt (with 23.5%), otherwise they came third in all other districts. The worst result was in the district of Lienz with 13.6%, the second best in Innsbruck-Land (19.1%).

(Bild: Mathis Fotografie)

Green Party also behind Neos
The Greensin eight districts:
Here, as with the ÖVP, we can speak of a debacle, albeit on a smaller scale. They received 11.6% of the vote nationwide (down 4.7% on the 2019 result). Only in Innsbruck did they come second with 19.5% (despite a drop of 6.6%).

Otherwise, the Greens came fifth in all other districts, i.e. always behind the Neos (sometimes only very narrowly). Their worst district result was in Landeck, where they lost 3% and came in at 7.5%.

The Neos:
They can also count themselves among the winners - at least in Tyrol. A plus of 2.6% meant a total of 11.4%. In other words, only just behind the Greens in fifth place nationwide. In eight of the nine Tyrolean districts, however, the Neos were able to overtake the Greens, as mentioned above. Only in the city of Innsbruck did they remain in fifth place, even though the best district result was achieved there with 13.5%. The worst district result for the Pinken was in Lienz with 9.6%.

KPÖ strong in Innsbruck and Innsbruck-Land

The DNA:
As mentioned above, it achieved sixth place nationwide. This was also the case in all districts except Innsbruck, where the KPÖ achieved 4.4% and received almost twice as many votes (1869) as the DNA (942). A real neck-and-neck race for sixth place was fought between the DNA and the KPÖ in the district of Schwaz. DNA received 660 (2.49%), KPÖ 653 (2.47%) votes.

The KPÖ:
It primarily has its supporters in the provincial capital and in Innsbruck-Land. Of the 6698 votes cast nationwide, more than half were cast in Innsbruck (1869) and Innsbruck-Land (1721). It performed weakest in the districts of Kitzbühel (1.74% or 370 votes) and Lienz (1.75%/322).

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