Vote in Israel

Ultra-Orthodox Jews lose military privileges

11.06.2024 09:21

The Israeli parliament has voted in favor of a controversial law that provides for the conscription of ultra-Orthodox Jews. On Tuesday, MPs voted 63 to 57 in favor of the law supported by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. It provides for a gradual and limited increase in the number of ultra-Orthodox in military service.

The majority of Jews in Israel must perform military service. An exception is made for the ultra-Orthodox community so that its male members can devote themselves to religious studies. The Israeli state has been trying for years to increase the number of ultra-Orthodox (Haredim) in the armed forces. Due to their high number of children, the Haredim are the fastest growing Jewish population group in Israel.

At the same time, the average income of ultra-Orthodox households is significantly lower than that of the Israeli population as a whole. In contrast to women, many ultra-Orthodox men are not formally employed.

Military dissatisfied
Defence Minister Yoav Gallant from Netanyahu's Likud party criticized the law as not going far enough in view of the war against the radical Islamic Hamas in the Gaza Strip and the daily battles with Hezbollah along the border with Lebanon. "We must not play petty politics on the backs of the great fighters in the army," said Gallant after the vote on Tuesday. "Bearing the burden of military service is a national challenge."

Netanyahu has governed Israel since the 2022 parliamentary elections with the help of ultra-right and ultra-Orthodox parties. Opposition leader Yair Lapid accused Netanyahu of promoting a conscription law without "any value" in order to remain in power. The law will now be sent to parliamentary committees for examination before being voted on again.

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