Top too tight

Outfit mishap! Berry: “Take care of my breasts”

12.06.2024 08:43

Actress Halle Berry will do anything to make a breathtaking appearance. Including squeezing herself into an outfit that is far too tight. The 57-year-old shared a funny clip of her seemingly inevitable outfit mishap on Instagram.

Halle Berry is willing to go the extra mile to deliver a chic look. On Instagram, the beauty shared a gorgeous clip in which she put on a hot walk in a wow look by Anna Quan.

The outfit consisted of a tight black skirt with a leg slit and a white blouse. The actress wore a tight corset over it.

Halle Berry has a funny outfit mishap
Shortly afterwards, however, a funny video clip followed. Because: The actress had a lot of trouble taking off the beautiful outfit afterwards. Because of the tight corset, the 57-year-old even needed the help of her stylist.

Together, they tried to free Halle Berry from her wow outfit in the hilarious video. "Let's take this baby off," Berry said, before her stylist made her contort her body in all sorts of ways to get her arms out of the restrictive sleeves.

"Watch my breasts"
This repeatedly resulted in unwanted breast flashes. "Watch my breasts," Berry shrieked frantically before she managed to wriggle out of the tight top. The leg slit of the skirt also slid dangerously far upwards. "Bad and Booshy slaving away for fashion again!" the actress wrote under the funny clip.

Apparently Berry's slip-up is not uncommon among Hollywood stars, as fellow actress Viola Davis commented: "Man, this video does me GOOD!!!!!! I feel seen." Natasha Bedingfield also replied, "Houdini straitjacket vibes. Been there, done that."

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