"Common sense"

Doskozil autobiography makes the SPÖ tremble

11.06.2024 21:12

After the EU elections, Burgenland's head of the state shot tips in the direction of the federal party. His political book "Hausverstand" will be published on July 11. It is not a "reckoning" that his party fears. The "Krone" received the first insights into its content.

The EU elections are over, the National Council elections are coming soon. The SPÖ is going on the offensive after Sunday's disappointing 3rd place. First place is the goal, the gap to the FPÖ and ÖVP is minimal, says party leader Andreas Babler. Burgenland's SPÖ governor Hans Peter Doskozil could not resist making a point. He wished all the best for the national elections and announced a personnel debate for the time afterwards.

Now this: Doskozil presents his political autobiography. The title: "Hausverstand". The work will be published by ecoWing-Verlag on July 11. The SPÖ will tremble. Will it even be a reckoning with its own party? The "Krone" was able to get a first glimpse.

Hans Peter Doskozil (Bild: Harald Dostal / 2023)
Hans Peter Doskozil

"Federal politics is finished"
Doskozil says: "The book is not a reckoning or a new attempt at federal political ambitions." This chapter is finally closed. Nevertheless, Doskozil describes thematic differences and the events surrounding the 2023 election for the party leadership. However, it is not a look back in anger, but rather a constructive look forward with a clear goal: to successfully campaign for the course of "common sense" in the 2025 state elections in Burgenland.

Nevertheless, the work is much broader in scope. It is also intended to serve as a kind of guide to action. The Burgenland way in the areas of care, health, energy, housing, minimum wage as a model. "To completely rethink things and go against the grain." He wants to "break up encrusted structures with common sense and a sense of justice".

The idea for the book was born two years ago when the publisher approached Doskozil. The project was temporarily put on hold due to Doskozil's candidacy for the federal party chairmanship.

About the reputation of the "maverick"
The soon-to-be 54-year-old author describes Burgenland as a "model region" in Austria and describes grievances regarding migration and integration. And he also addresses his reputation, saying: "I know that I have the image among some media and party friends of being the troublemaker who sees things differently and doesn't hold back with his opinion. (...)." For him, this book is an opportunity to write in detail about everything that moves him politically. "Maybe some people will understand me better after reading this book."

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For me, this book is an opportunity to write in detail about everything that moves me politically.

Hans Peter Doskozil

Doskozil also touches on personal matters. Especially his laryngeal disease. "Like many people in this country, I have to live and work with a health impairment. It takes strength and you need a lot of positive thinking. When you have to accept fate, even common sense doesn't help you any more."

Incidentally, the governor will donate his royalties to charity.

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read the original article here.

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