Newcomer with debut

Topsy Turvy: “Dad rock” and the sore pop ass

14.06.2024 09:00

The all-girl collective Topsy Turvy formed from the ribs of the Viennese indie band Laundromat Chicks, bringing a new color to the local scene with striking costumes and a love of rock music. Today, on June 14, the album will be presented at the Rhiz in Vienna.

The culture channel ARTE recently focused on the great Viennese music scene in its popular "Tracks" series, but in the process criminally neglected the city's indie underground amidst all the justified jubilation surrounding Eli Preiss, Verifiziert and co. Take the four-piece collective Laundromat Chicks, for example, who have long since made a name for themselves beyond the city limits and have put another new splash of color on the musical map. Guitarist Theresa Strohmer and drummer Lena Pöttinger have split off from the ranks of this band to dive into new musical waters as Topsy Turvy together with bassist Victoria Aron, which is clearly expanding into more traditional rock realms.

Cross-generational rebellion
It is surprising that the two women in their early twenties are influenced by old rock heroes. "You're influenced by the music that plays on the car radio when you're driving with your dad," says Strohmer in the Krone interview in Vienna's Café Rüdigerhof, "you hear bands like Dire Straits, Oasis, Deep Purple or Led Zeppelin. The music with which they rebelled against their parents and which is no longer rebellious at all today." Laughing, she adds: "For our own rebellion against our parents, we should actually make German rap, but that's not really our thing." Topsy Turvy love "dad rock" and mix it with contemporary lyrics that are born out of their thoughts and emotions. A contemporary, more inclusive and female version of the old rock heroes, so to speak.

Topsy Turvy has nothing to do with the two-time Oscar-winning film by Mike Leigh about the composer duo Gilbert and Sullivan, but refers to the English idiom meaning "chaotic" or "upside down". "The band name leaves a lot open and describes a bit of our music. It goes haywire and nothing is perfect. When three different people come together to make music, a certain form of chaos is created." The first meeting of Strohmer and Pöttinger took place at a birthday party of a mutual friend. Pöttinger was looking for new musical comrades-in-arms, Strohmer was not averse. The two took a liking to each other and started rehearsing in St. Pölten, Aron was soon on board too. A short time later, they were an established live band in Vienna and released their debut album "Butt Sore".

Edgy sayings
"The most important message from this story: celebrate birthdays," Strohmer appeals with a laugh, "so many people don't celebrate their birthdays, but then bands don't get formed either." However, getting to know each other was not without its mishaps. "I asked Resi if she knew the Osees," laughs Pöttinger, "but she understood Oasis and I doubted it at first." However, the mutual sympathy quickly took over and the project was born without any problems. The album title literally means "sore bottom" and is actually far less offensive than it first appears. "That's also a saying that means that someone is quickly miffed, totally blocked and then doesn't do anything. But maybe you should talk about a sore bottom more often. It's only taboo with babies."

The songs on the debut album follow a certain chronology of the members and are musically elusive. Lo-fi rock with a slacker attitude, country quotes, alternative sounds, blues rock and 90s grunge borrowings are thrown into the sound mixer and confidently brought together. In their passion for quoting the great classics, the band knows no fear of contact and draws on acts as diverse as David Byrne, The Slits, Young Marble Giants and Sonic Youth legend Kim Gordon. In the lyrics, the three musicians mix the self-experienced, sometimes the desired or the totally fictional, as in the signature song "Possession Depression", for which they created the story of a lonely woman named Selma who lives in a rural area. "Toads On Roads", for example, is a tribute to all those who rescue frogs and toads from the roads.

Deeply connected community
Of course, there is no deeper concept behind the songs. "We're often just interested in the right sound for the words. We mess around and sometimes use random sounds that become words. You can try to recognize a higher lyricism in us, but you probably won't recognize it that easily." You can also sense the informality and fun of the three of them in conversation. The completely fresh approach to the songs is what makes Topsy Turvy's music so entertaining and difficult to categorize. In addition to the power of the music, the trio also rely on exalted make-up and special costumes, similar to the British breakthrough act The Last Dinner Party. "And it's important to have a cool stage presence and recognition value," says Pöttinger, "you also do something together before the concert and really grow into it. There's something really nice and collective about that."

Release show and further concerts
Today, on June 14, Topsy Turvy will be presenting their debut album "Butt Sore" live at Rhiz in Vienna. On June 21, they will perform at the Tangente Festival in St. Pölten, on June 28 they will play at Vienna's Replugged and rumor has it that they will also take to the stage at the traditional Popfest on Karlsplatz at the end of July. You can find all the dates and how to get tickets at

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