At the public viewing

Be there live as a VIP in the ADMIRAL Arena

11.06.2024 17:15

UEFA EURO 2024 has been keeping all soccer fans on tenterhooks since June 14. For the first time, Europe's largest sports bar, the ADMIRAL Arena Prater, is hosting a public viewing and you can be there live as a VIP!

The ADMIRAL Arena Prater will be transformed into a hotspot for soccer fans who want to watch the UEFA EURO 2024 matches in the best atmosphere. Large screens guarantee a perfect view of every goal and every exciting match scene. A unique atmosphere is created not only by the passionate fans, but also by the numerous entertainment acts that provide entertainment between the matches.

You can look forward to a thrilling mix of music, performances and interactive activities that will make the soccer experience unforgettable. Be part of this event and experience the European Football Championship like never before!

What to expect at the public viewing
In addition to the matches, visitors can expect various highlights between the matches. For example, performances by dance groups and DJs are planned. In addition, soccer fans can not only watch the matches, but also take part in various activities. Fans can put their skills to the test at the ADMIRAL Corner or prove their precision at the target shooting competition at the Krone stand to win European Championship goodies. KroneTV will also be on site with exciting interview partners.

(Bild: ©DIVISION4)

Food and drink will also be well catered for: a selection of Langosch variations, from classic with garlic to mountain cheese and Mediterranean creations, will offer something for every taste. There are also stadium classics such as Frankfurter sausages, chips and potato chips. The special Heineken beer bar quenches thirst and provides refreshing moments. You can find more information about the public viewing HERE.

Take part now and win
ADMIRAL and the "Krone" are now inviting you as a VIP to one of Austria's biggest public viewings in the Vienna Prater. As a VIP, you will receive a goodie bag, a 10 euro consumption voucher for the outdoor area, merchandise items and admission to the VIP lounge including snacks and drinks.

Simply fill out the form below and with a little luck we will invite you to be there. Winners will be drawn at random and contacted two days before each match day. The closing date for entries is July 12, 09:00.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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