Trial in Feldkirch

Minor abused

11.06.2024 18:15

An 18-year-old Afghan man had an illicit relationship with a 12-year-old girl. The two also had sexual intercourse. On Friday, he was sentenced for this at Feldkirch Regional Court.

Even if it was a love affair between you and the girl. The fact is that the victim was only twelve years old at the time and the sex was therefore punishable," said the presiding judge Sabrina Tagwercher to the accused.

The case: Two years ago, the then 16-year-old Afghan met the 12-year-old via Snapchat. Shortly afterwards, the two became a couple. What the schoolgirl's parents didn't know was that their daughter was having a sexual relationship with the boy and that he was secretly visiting her at night to have sex with her. When the relationship ends after just four months, the consequences are dire: The girl begins to scratch herself. But even after the mother spoke to her child about it for the first time, it was almost a year before the schoolgirl broke her silence and told him about her sexual relationship with the Afghan. A report is filed.

The victim and perpetrator unanimously claim to have had consensual sexual intercourse. But in the eyes of the law, the boy is guilty of serious sexual abuse of a minor. Judge Sabrina Tagwercher found the 18-year-old guilty as charged and sentenced him to a conditional prison sentence of nine months. He must also pay a fine of 1440 euros. The woman's counsel awarded the victim 2000 euros in damages. He has to pay this within two weeks.

The 18-year-old gets off lightly with the sentence: according to the law, he could have faced up to five years in prison.

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read the original article here.

Chantal Dorn
Chantal Dorn
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