After care dispute

Tyrolean woman (40) killed by her “ex” in Italy

11.06.2024 17:50

A gruesome crime against an Italian woman (40) living in Innsbruck: according to initial investigations, she was killed by her ex-partner in the northern Italian city of Modena. The background is said to have been a custody dispute over their two children.

The man sought out the carabinieri after the crime and led them to the van in which the investigators found the body of the mother of two of Russian descent, according to Italian media reports. According to initial indications, the woman had been strangled to death.

Proceedings in court in Innsbruck
The background is said to have been a dispute over custody of the ex-couple's children, according to the investigation. The victim had initiated proceedings before a court in Innsbruck in order to obtain custody of the two children. On May 17, 2023, the court decided that the children should live with their mother. The father was granted visiting rights.

Man contested jurisdiction in Tyrol
In January of this year, the man then allegedly filed an application for separation at the civil court in Modena at the expense of the woman and contested the jurisdiction of the Innsbruck court. In February, the victim finally filed another application with the court in Innsbruck to obtain sole custody of the two children. This was reportedly awarded to her on Monday of this week.

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