US expert clarifies

FPÖ in power: Would Austria then be isolated?

12.06.2024 07:12

The rise of the FPÖ in Austria is being closely monitored internationally. It is quite possible that the Freedom Party will also come first in the National Council elections in the fall. How would the USA react to an FPÖ-led government? Would there be a threat of sanctions or political isolation? An expert explains.

"The USA will behave pragmatically," reassures Peter Rough, European Director of the US think tank Hudson Institute. Austria would therefore probably not have to fear any political sanctions from the USA in the event of an FPÖ-led government.

"Europe has changed"
Europe has changed, he said, referring to the prime ministers Robert Fico, Viktor Orbán and Giorgia Meloni as well as a possible French president Marine Le Pen. "Austria would not be isolated if the Freedom Party were in power."

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Austria would not be isolated if the Freedom Party were in power.

Peter Rough, Europadirektor der US-Denkfabrik Hudson Institute

"It is no longer the year 1999"
"It's no longer 1999, when the State Department went along with the sanctions (of the EU states against the first black-blue federal government, editor's note)," said the employee of the influential conservative think tank in a video call with APA from Washington.

Herbert Kickl and his Russia policy
However, he does not currently have the impression that FPÖ leader Herbert Kickl will actually become Austrian Chancellor after the National Council elections, according to Rough, who has just returned to Washington from a long trip to Europe.

Gudenus was a liaison to Russia. Alleged Russian oligarch niece sealed Strache's political end. Kickl is called "Radio Moscow" in parliament. (Bild: Krone KREATIV, Uta Rojsek-Wiedergut, FPÖ, BK,
Gudenus was a liaison to Russia. Alleged Russian oligarch niece sealed Strache's political end. Kickl is called "Radio Moscow" in parliament.

Should there be a flow of information towards Russia under an FPÖ government, Washington would certainly take action. "If it goes too far, it goes too far."

The Blue Party has long been criticized for not distancing itself from Russia and Putin's party.

Former US ambassador Nikki Haley in conversation with Peter Rough (Bild: AP/The Associated Press)
Former US ambassador Nikki Haley in conversation with Peter Rough

RBI business with Russia in the sights of the USA
At present, the USA is not so much aware of Russian espionage activities in Austria as the controversial Russian business of Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI). "The Raika position in Russia is causing far more excitement," said the expert with Carinthian roots. Basically, people only take notice of the Alpine republic in a "transatlantic bubble". "Austria doesn't have the prestige it had under (former Chancellor Sebastian) Kurz", who was received by then President Donald Trump at the White House five years ago.

(Bild: Krone KREATIV)

Austria as a potential NATO partner?
Austria is also not seen as a possible NATO ally. "Austria does not want to join NATO, the question does not arise," emphasized Rough. Austria is lucky enough to be surrounded by NATO countries. There is therefore "no tangible danger" in the conflict with Russia. Should a state of war arise, this would already exist with the members of the alliance "and Austria would be a free rider for NATO power".

The fact that a Russia-friendly Hungarian government could allow Moscow to act in the event of aggression towards Central Europe without declaring a state of war is "too extreme a scenario" for Rough and "difficult to imagine".

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