Execution in the USA

Double murderer executed by lethal injection

12.06.2024 09:31

A death sentence was carried out against a convicted murderer in the US state of Missouri on Tuesday. The 69-year-old was executed by lethal injection, according to the Department of Corrections. He was the second prisoner to be executed in Missouri this year - and the seventh in the USA.

The convict had always claimed to be innocent of the murders of his former lover and her husband. However, the Republican governor of Missouri, Mike Parson, rejected a request for clemency on Monday.

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He shows no remorse for his senseless act.

Gouverneur von Missouri, Mike Parson

The 69-year-old murdered the couple in a fit of jealousy, Parson explained. "He shows no remorse for his senseless act." He therefore deserved the maximum sentence. The convict was pronounced dead at 6.11 p.m. in a prison in the town of Bonne Terre.

Death penalty increasingly controversial
There were a total of 24 executions in the USA in 2023, all by lethal injection. The death penalty has been abolished in 23 of the states, and the governors of six others have suspended its use.

The death penalty is controversial in the USA. According to a survey by the Gallup polling institute, 53% of US citizens support the death penalty for convicted murderers. This is the lowest figure since 1972.

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