Prohaska lines up

Schönbrunn Zoo presents its own European Championship team

12.06.2024 10:56

Austria is already in the grip of European Championship fever: the first games start on Friday, and on Monday the tournament begins for the ÖFB team. Even though the Austrian squad has already been selected, soccer legend and European Championship commentator Herbert Prohaska has been inspired by the animal talents at Schönbrunn Zoo and has put together his very own European Championship team. For him, the short-eared trumpeters as strikers and the meerkats in midfield are the ideal line-up.

"An octopus plays in goal, of course. With eight arms instead of just two, it's impossible to score a goal. So we always play to nil," said Prohaska. To ensure that no ball gets in front of goal, the former ÖFB coach relies on the next "soccer" great in defense. "The elephant spreads fear in the opposing team with his size and body mass. He also certainly has a strong shot. And if necessary, he can simply push the opponent aside with his trunk."

Overview in midfield
But octopus and elephant alone do not win a European Championship title. In the important midfield position, Prohaska relies on the meerkats. "They always have an overview. That's exactly what a midfielder needs - control of the whole pitch. He is always alert and looks to see where a teammate is free." The short-eared trunk jumper plays in attack. This is where speed is particularly important. "The nimble little guys can't be stopped by the opposing defense. This also ensures that the necessary goals are scored," Prohaska is convinced.

The meerkats control the game in midfield. (Bild: APA/DANIEL ZUPANC)
The meerkats control the game in midfield.

"The selection of the professional shows that the animals are superior to us in many aspects," says zoo director Stephan Hering-Hagenbeck. However, as octopuses, meerkats, elephants and trunk jumpers are already signed to the zoo association, he believes a transfer to the ÖFB is out of the question. "We wish the Austrian national team every success at EURO 2024," says Hering-Hagenbeck.

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read the original article here.

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