Nazi commotion in Munich

“Sieg Heil” shouts in beer garden: police move in

12.06.2024 11:21

Excitement in the Bavarian capital of Munich: Several visitors shouted Nazi slogans in the beer garden of the famous Augustinerkeller on Tuesday evening. The police arrived.

As reported by "Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR)", citing a witness, "Sieg Heil" was shouted several times.

A dozen young men
The witness stated that around a dozen young men aged between 20 and 30 were sitting at a table. At around 7 p.m., one of the men stood up, held a shot glass in his hand and gave a short speech, shouting "Sieg" several times, to which the group responded with "Heil".

Some of the guests must have consumed too much beer that evening. (Bild:
Some of the guests must have consumed too much beer that evening.

The slogan "Sieg Heil" used by the National Socialists under Adolf Hitler has been banned in Germany since the end of the Second World War and is prosecuted under criminal law.

Guests showed civil courage
Other visitors informed the staff, who alerted the police. According to the report, the men were prevented from leaving until the officers arrived. A police spokesman confirmed that there was a major operation in the pub.

Brewery shocked
The Augustiner brewery reacted to the incident on Wednesday morning. The managing director told the "Bild Zeitung" newspaper: "We learned of the incident with dismay and disgust. We reject such right-wing extremist activities in every form. The Augustiner Brewery stands for an open, tolerant and democratic world view." They were pleased that the staff alerted the police quickly. "Immediate and consistent action must always be taken against right-wing extremist activities," said the Augustiner boss.

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