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This pair of storks can stay on the electricity pylon

12.06.2024 16:29

After the huge fuss about a nest knocked off a pylon, Salzburg AG is taking a completely different approach in a new stork case. The power cables are being insulated to ensure the safety of a pair of storks from Lamprechtshausen.

This time there is no nest drama. After the excitement surrounding the storks it chased away in Salzburg-Leopoldskron, Salzburg AG is now looking after a pair of birds that have reappeared.

A pair of storks has once again chosen a Salzburg Netz GmbH mast as a nesting site. They have built their nest near Holzhausen (Lamprechtshausen) - this time on a pylon of the 30 kV line.

According to the electricity supplier, the danger to the birds here should not be underestimated, as the smaller distances between the conductor cables compared to a 110 kV line mean that the risk of injury or death from electrocution is very high. At the same time, power outages can also be triggered.
To protect the storks and guarantee security of supply, initial measures have been defined in coordination with the state's nature conservation authority, according to the Salzburg AG press release. First of all, the overhead cables in the area of the nest will be insulated. In a second step, it will be examined whether and how the nest can be relocated.

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