Courage for entrepreneurship

Hats that become “soul mates”

13.06.2024 09:25

Out of the hamster wheel and into adventure: Münevver Ulay (35) from Frastanz has founded the hat brand "Rebel Hats". She doesn't have a plan B, but she doesn't need one because she is pursuing a project close to her heart with her individual Fedora hats.

Scraps of fabric and threads lying around everywhere. This image has been with Müni since she was a child, as her mother was a seamstress. Today, she herself is the creator of the artistic chaos that reigns at her home in Frastanz. Many years later, as an adult, she could not have imagined that she would one day be working creatively herself. She converted her home office into a hat studio and put her heart and soul into designing individual Fedora hats. "A hat is a statement. People often ask me about them. It underlines your own charisma," Müni enthuses about the felt hats made from Australian wool in an interview with the Krone.

Müni in conversation with "Krone". (Bild: Mathis Fotografie)
Müni in conversation with "Krone".

The right time for her heart project
Travel inspired her to leave the safe path and put all her eggs in one basket. When she spotted a hat at a stall on a road trip through Australia in 2022, it was love at first sight. That moment changed everything and her most recent trip to Mexico's Yucatán Peninsula brought the final realization: "Now is the time to live my passion." Müni has swapped the security of a permanent position for the uncertainties of entrepreneurship for her passion project. She wants to use her courage to encourage others to follow their own dream and not be held back by financial fears and other dependencies: "I've waited too long, now there's no plan B."

Individual story of the wearer
Müni's hat brand "Rebel Hats" is also a reminiscence of the times when Fedora hats were worn not least by representatives of the women's movement and gangsters. She also incorporates the individual history of the wearer into her works of art, which also provide practical protection from the sun, wind and cold: "Tell me your story and I'll give you your soulmate," Müni quotes her slogan. She collected the accessories and hatbands on her travels or received them from regional supporters. "I am very grateful for the great support and motivation. I hope that hats will once again become everyday companions for more people." Because, of course, some eye-catching models are only suitable for special occasions, but in the end there is a matching hat for every outfit, says Müni.


On June 15, Müni will present the summer edition of "Rebel Hats" at "Momo - Coffee & Art" in Feldkirch. Special guest: artist Pelin H.

In the beginning, the ambitious hat artist had to teach herself everything: "Hatmakers like to keep their knowledge to themselves," she regrets. She was able to learn the basics at an online workshop and is now receiving further support from Swiss milliner Suse Heinz. "With her, I'm getting one step closer to craftsmanship!"

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