From the court

The inheritance squandered in an erotic club

12.06.2024 17:25

An Oberlander threatened the operator of the club with reprisals and has now ended up in court in Feldkirch.

"You son of a bitch! I'll shoot you in your club, you'll die of a heart attack. Your mother will be ashamed of you in her grave for your rip-off, you dirty pimp!" The accused wrote messages like these in the establishment's guest book last September. The 30-year-old's hate messages were directed at the operator of the erotic club.

Received a complaint instead of money
"I felt ripped off," said the unemployed man during the trial at Feldkirch Regional Court on Wednesday. He had left around 400,000 euros there and in the casino. He was ripped off for a total of 150,000 euros: "If I had consumed four drinks, I was charged for eight," calculated the demonstrably mentally impaired man. He therefore tried to force the club operator to pay this amount by threatening him. But instead of the money, the man was charged with dangerous threats and coercion.

During the trial, the defendant pleaded guilty to the charges. Judge Theo Rümmele is therefore lenient and the matter is quickly settled with a fine of 320 euros. This means that the 30-year-old is still considered blameless. The man from Oberland accepts this with thanks. The judge gives him one piece of good advice: "Stop writing things in future. Otherwise you'll get a conviction and a criminal record next time."

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Chantal Dorn
Chantal Dorn
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