City deputy puts pressure on

Wiederkehr calls for compulsory democracy in Vienna

12.06.2024 17:30

Following the uproar over the latest figures on religious affiliation, Vienna's Deputy Mayor Christoph Wiederkehr (NEOS) is now putting the pressure on. He wants to quickly introduce a new democracy subject at school.

Islam is already the number one religion in Vienna's classrooms. Around a third of primary school pupils in the current school year are Muslims - we reported.

Because surveys show that there is an increased proportion of people among Muslims who devalue other groups - such as Jews, LGBTIQ people or women - Deputy Mayor Christoph Wiederkehr renewed his call for "Living in a democracy" to be a compulsory subject for all pupils from the first year of elementary school. This should teach democracy, values and ethics as well as knowledge about all recognized religions.

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The values must be taught, distributed and practiced equally in all classrooms. Our common faith is democracy!

(Bild: Zwefo)

Vizebürgermeister Christoph Wiederkehr (NEOS)

In contrast, a separate religion subject should only be added to the timetable on request. Attendance at religious education classes is already voluntary and it is possible to opt out at any time, he emphasized.

The NEOS politician's demand caused a great deal of excitement and turmoil on Tuesday, as it was feared that such a subject would be introduced instead of denominational religious education. Two ÖVP ministers came to the defense and want to maintain the status quo at all costs.

Rejection from the federal government
However, a change can only be made via a federal law and Wiederkehr has repeatedly been rejected by the ÖVP and the Greens. Nevertheless, the education councillor now wants to launch a new initiative and remain very persistent. "I want to change the system," emphasizes Wiederkehr. He announced that he has already found allies for this, such as Susanne Wiesinger, "Krone" columnist and former teacher, and psychologist Christiane Spiel. But who should teach this additional subject?

The subject has a transdisciplinary focus, which is why it will initially be taught by history, philosophy and ethics teachers. An exchange with religious teachers from the recognized religious communities could also be useful, according to Wiederkehr's office.

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