But gets guarantees

Hungary does not want to block NATO’s Ukraine plan

12.06.2024 17:17

Hungary will not participate in the planned expansion of NATO support for Ukraine, but does not want to prevent the project either. This was announced by the Secretary General of the military alliance, Jens Stoltenberg, and Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orbán at a joint press conference on Wednesday.

The two appeared before the press following an unexpected visit by the Norwegian to Budapest. "Hungary does not want to block NATO decisions that other member states support," said Orbán. Hungary's position on how to achieve peace in the Ukraine war differs from that of the other NATO states. However, Budapest recognizes that "the weight and number of opinions that differ from ours are significant" and that Hungary cannot change this, the right-wing nationalist Hungarian head of government added.

A NATO Boeing C-17 at the Hungarian military base in Pápa (Bild: AFP)
A NATO Boeing C-17 at the Hungarian military base in Pápa

Orbán's government maintains good relations with Russia. Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, Budapest has tried to prevent Kiev's EU accession negotiations, delayed Western sanctions and blocked offers of financial and military aid. He accused the EU of bringing the conflict to Europe by providing aid to Ukraine. In his opinion, Ukraine cannot defeat Russia, the Hungarian head of government kept repeating.

"Correct agreement concluded"
However, guarantees have now been given that Hungary will not be forced to take action outside NATO territory - such as training missions in Ukraine. However, such missions have already taken place on a voluntary basis. Nevertheless, it was obviously important to the Hungarian side that the NATO chief emphasized this. The talks with Stoltenberg had been "constructive" and a "correct agreement" had been reached on the contentious issue, Orbán continued.

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