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Have we become poor? Stocker: “Fairy tale of the SPÖ”

12.06.2024 20:00

Rainer Nowak had a lot to do to keep the squabblers Christian Stocker (ÖVP), Kai Jan Krainer (SPÖ) and Christian Hafenecker (FPÖ) in check. It was all about migration, inflation and future coalitions.

Things got emotional on shortly after the EU elections. Rainer Nowak's guests were the secretaries general of the ÖVP and FPÖ, Christian Stocker and Christian Hafenecker, as well as SPÖ representative Kai Jan Krainer. They discussed possible coalitions and the right of interpretation on important issues.

Inflation remains a controversial topic, with very different perceptions of inflation. The situation is not good, Stocker admitted. "But we don't want to moan, we want to give confidence." Krainer countered: "I'm surprised that you don't see how many people are slipping into poverty and you talk away the highest inflation. It is a total failure." The fact that Austria had become so poor was not true, said Stocker, who spoke of "SPÖ fairy tales". On the contrary, the government had helped with many billions, for example for pensioners.

"Reaching into people's pockets everywhere"
Jan Krainer explicitly called for a bank tax in addition to wealth and inheritance taxes on assets worth millions. "If they make unjustifiably high profits. If they are now making 14 billion in profits during crises, then they must also make a contribution." ÖVP General Stocker spoke against this initiative, saying that it would ultimately harm small and medium-sized businesses. Hafenecker referred to the current government's tax increases, including the CO₂ and ORF levy. "They are reaching into people's pockets everywhere. This is an abominable policy."

There were also arguments about the healthcare system and, of course, migration. "You've had 25 years to organize deportations. There is not a single repatriation agreement," Krainer railed at Stocker. It went back and forth. FPÖ man Hafenecker also lashed out, accusing the others of not being rigorous and keeping criminals in the country.

Rainer Nowak wanted to mediate and also asked about future cooperation options after the upcoming National Council elections. In the EU elections, the three parties were in the same range.

Betting on the whereabouts of the party leaders
ÖVP General Stocker was relieved about the narrow gap to the FPÖ in the EU elections and is confident about the fall. "Whenever the FPÖ and ÖVP have had a majority in the National Council, they have used the opportunity," said Jan Krainer. So there is a threat of black-blue again, only votes for red could prevent this. The cards have now been reshuffled for the elections at the end of September.

"I'll bet a good bottle of wine that the party leaders of the SPÖ and ÖVP will no longer be in office after the elections," said Hafenecker, who sees a left-wing alliance planned to bypass the FPÖ. Looking for a duel with the FPÖ is okay, he said. "But if the FPÖ comes first, then you also have to accept the FPÖ's claim to the chancellorship."

Nowak's final question on the government's mixed political record. Stocker: "Many things are being portrayed as worse than they are. We made decisions in difficult times. Parties like the FPÖ were never there."

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