Storm disaster

Deutschfeistritz: “We all stick together”

13.06.2024 06:00

In the Styrian disaster areas, the clean-up work after the devastating storms continues for a long time. In Graz and Deutschfeistritz, however, the question of guilt is also being asked: how could it have come to this?

Many Styrians affected by the severe storms are at their wits' end and are faced with the proverbial ruins of their existence. Even in Deutschfeistritz in the north of the provincial capital, normality is still a long way off. "It's simply madness what has happened. The clean-up work won't be finished for a long time yet," says Mayor Michael Viertler (ÖVP), who is himself one of the flood victims, expressing his dismay.

The floods left pure chaos in Deutschfeistritz. (Bild: Jauschowetz Christian)
The floods left pure chaos in Deutschfeistritz.

"The willingness to help is overwhelming"
However, the boss of the bakery of the same name also draws strength from the many positive experiences that took place after the disaster. "The enormous willingness of the population to help is overwhelming, from the tireless firefighters to municipal employees and the normal population - everyone here is sticking together."

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The Übelbacherbahn has to be discontinued. Passengers could be transported by bus and we could give the stream more space.

(Bild: Gasser & Gasser)

Michale Viertler, Bürgermeister Deutschfeistritz (ÖVP)

As always after such catastrophic events, the question of who is to blame quickly arises. In Deutschfeistritz, some see this in the politicians, who have failed to build appropriate protective measures. "In hindsight, it's always easiest to pick out someone to blame. I can explain to anyone personally why certain projects were not implemented," says Viertler.

He now names a measure that he believes should be implemented as quickly as possible: "The discontinuation of the Übelbacherbahn. Affected passengers could be transported by bus and we could finally give the stream more space again."

In Graz, the Schöcklbach repeatedly causes problems during heavy rainfall. (Bild: Stadt Graz)
In Graz, the Schöcklbach repeatedly causes problems during heavy rainfall.

Floods become a topic in Graz city council
The Andritz district of Graz was also hit hard by the storms. Erich Cagran from the Andritz citizens' initiative also identifies political failings here. Above all, why the retention basin 1 for the Schöcklbach in Annagraben, which was presented back in 2009 (!), is not even in the planning stage.

The office of the responsible deputy mayor Judith Schwentner (Greens) says that one of the two retention basins planned in the redevelopment concept has been implemented. The second was abandoned because the hydrological data for Graz had changed. Instead, a larger one is now being considered. The technical feasibility is currently being examined.

In any case, the flood problem will be the topic of discussion in the municipal council on Thursday. The KFG and ÖVP are planning corresponding questions. The municipal government wants to present new plans on Friday.

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read the original article here.

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