Tragedy near Graz

Child killed in mudslide in forest

12.06.2024 19:29

A terrible tragedy in the district of Graz-Umgebung: two children were buried by a mudslide in a forest near St. Marein on Wednesday. One could be rescued quickly, for a five-year-old boy all help came too late, he could only be rescued dead.

A terrible tragedy occurred on Wednesday in the municipality of St. Marein bei Graz as a result of the heavy rainfall of the last few days: a woman was walking with four children - two of her own, two of friends - on a forest path in the district of Siegensdorf when a mudslide suddenly fell at around 5 p.m. and buried two of the children underneath it.

The tragedy occurred in a forest east of Graz. (Bild: Jauschowetz Christian/Christian Jauschowetz)
The tragedy occurred in a forest east of Graz.
140 firefighters searched for the buried children. (Bild: BFV Feldbach/Karner)
140 firefighters searched for the buried children.

Five-year-old boy dead
A large-scale search began immediately, involving over 140 firefighters, police with search dogs, drones and helicopters. "When we got there, the neighbors were already digging with their hands," Gottfried Hofer, head of operations for the Peterdorf II fire department, told the Krone.

One child was only partially buried and was quickly freed from the masses of earth. He was flown to the children's hospital in Graz with serious injuries. For a five-year-old boy, however, all help came too late: he could only be rescued dead. Hofer: "We shoveled until the last spark of hope died." The crisis intervention team looked after relatives and emergency services.

The two other children are said to have remained unharmed.

Governor Christopher Drexler was also deeply saddened when speaking to the emergency services. (Bild: Jauschowetz Christian)
Governor Christopher Drexler was also deeply saddened when speaking to the emergency services.

Exactly how the terrible accident occurred must now be investigated. However, it can be assumed with a high degree of certainty that the landslide was caused by the enormous amounts of rainfall over the last few days. Numerous landslides have already occurred in the affected areas. The authorities are urging people in such locations to be extremely careful of landslides.

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