Nations Cup final

Last chance for the Olympics: “It will be a challenge!

13.06.2024 09:00

At the final tournament of the CEV Nations Cup, the Austrian beach volleyball aces will be competing for the last Olympic tickets in Latvia from Thursday. For the men around Moritz Pristauz, a tour de force is needed in the newly formed teams. "We believe in our chances."

As the only ÖVV fixed starters at the Olympics so far, Alex Horst and Julian Hörl are also the only Austrian men's team seeded in the main competition at the Vienna Elite16 tournament. "We're really looking forward to playing in this great atmosphere," says local hero Horst about the highlight on July 9 at the Heumarkt. Thanks to his qualification for his fourth Summer Games, the experienced player can regenerate this week...

Alex Horst is already qualified for Paris. (Bild: ACTS/Lisa Schandl)
Alex Horst is already qualified for Paris.

While other ÖVV aces are still hoping to make it to Paris via the second route - at the Nations Cup final in Jurmala, Latvia! Instead of Robin Seidl, who is still suffering from knee problems, Moritz Pristauz, who was elected from Vienna, will be competing with U22 European Championship fifth-placed Timo Hammarberg from Thursday. The second duo of Team Austria, who will be fighting for a national ticket together and will initially face Portugal and Spain in the group, has also been rearranged: Philipp Waller/Christoph Dressler. "It's great that we still have a chance at the Olympics. With these new teams, it will definitely be a challenge, an exciting challenge," says Pristauz. "But the coordination is working better and better. My goal is to do my best to get the ticket for Austria."

Austria's women are also ready in Latvia. (Bild: ÖVV)
Austria's women are also ready in Latvia.

The Klinger sisters, who are also in the main draw at the Vienna Elite16 tournament, want to achieve this in the women's doubles with Kathi Schützenhöfer and Lena Plesiutschnig. The red-white-red best line-up in the girls' competition will face Italy and Slovenia in the group stage. It won't be easy in Latvia. Only the nation that wins the men's and women's finals will be awarded an Olympic place.

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read the original article here.

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