The "Krone" Lower Austria column

The little messenger loves the sea

15.06.2024 05:45

Why we're really looking forward to a vacation by the sea. As a columnist, "Die kleine Botin" aka Daniela Gaigg writes about topics relating to life with the family. These include sustainability in everyday life, self-care and food for thought for parents.

We sort out the swimwear, buy more sunscreen and clean the sunglasses: Vacations and vacations are finally just around the corner. For the children, it's clear where they want to go! To the sea! And to be honest, I feel the same way.

The atmosphere, the air and the mood are just so different by the sea and there are so many reasons why we love the climate and the air by the sea. The fresh (ion-rich) sea air lifts the mood and reduces stress. The stresses of everyday life become lighter for a few days. The salty air has a liberating effect on our airways, helps us to take a deep breath and is much cleaner compared to "city air". The sun provides an extra dose of vitamin D.

The typical sound of the sea helps us to calm down, slow down and even sleep better. The sea means vacation and relaxation, the perfect opportunity to leave everyday life behind. And the cooling sea breeze makes even hot summer days pleasant and refreshing.

Consciously spending time by the sea
So let's pack our bags and enjoy some relaxing time by the sea! At the same time, we should remember how important it is to protect our oceans so that our children can continue to experience these treasures of nature for a long time to come. Every little contribution counts - as does raising awareness that a vacation by the sea is not something we take for granted, but something special.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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