Temperatures up to 45 degrees

Heat in the Aegean reaches temporary peak

13.06.2024 11:00

People in Greece and Turkey have been suffering from a heatwave for days. The Greek weather office announced on Thursday that temperatures of up to 45 degrees are expected in central Greece and on the Peloponnese peninsula in the early afternoon.

"It will be the most difficult day of this heatwave," said a spokesman for the weather office. The thermometers in Athens were already showing 33 degrees at 9am. The Acropolis was already closed during the hot midday hours.

"Siesta" between 12 and 5 pm
The Ministry of Culture extended the closure between 12 noon and 5 p.m. to all ancient sites in the greater area of the Greek capital. Kindergartens and elementary school remained closed in several regions of the country for the second day in a row. Many people worked from home, and the construction industry hardly worked at all due to the heat. Doctors advised elderly or sick people to stay at home.

(Bild: AP)
(Bild: AP)

30 degrees in the morning
It was also more than 30 degrees on Turkey's Aegean coast in the morning. According to the state news agency Anadolu, a record temperature had already been measured in the western Turkish province of Aydin on Wednesday: the thermometer there showed 44.6 degrees, making it the hottest day in June in the province since 1938.

Cooling down at the weekend
According to the forecasts of the weather authorities in both countries, the end of this short heatwave will come at the weekend. It is expected to rain in northern Greece as early as Friday, followed by northerly winds. The temperature is then expected to drop significantly. However, the risk of fire will then increase due to the wind, warned the Greek civil defense on Thursday.

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