After the NEOS initiative

Plakolm welcomes plans for compulsory subject democracy

13.06.2024 12:43

Islam is the number one religion in Viennese classrooms. As studies show that there is a higher proportion of Muslims who devalue other groups, Vienna's Deputy Mayor Christoph Wiederkehr (NEOS) has called for a compulsory subject on "Living in a democracy". There is now also support for this from the ÖVP.

As reported, a third of primary school pupils in Vienna in the current school year are Muslims. The most recent data collection by the Department of Education on religious beliefs in Viennese elementary school showed that Islam is the number one religion in the classrooms. Because studies show that there is an increased proportion of people among Muslims who devalue other groups such as women or Jews, NEOS Deputy Mayor Wiederkehr called for a compulsory subject "Living in a democracy" for all pupils from the first year of elementary school.

"The values must be taught, distributed and lived in the same way in all classrooms. Our common belief is democracy," explained the NEOS politician. The ÖVP initially criticized the plans because they believed that religious education was in danger. However, as the subject is to be introduced in addition to religious education rather than instead of it, there is now general approval.

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Especially in times of radicalization on the Internet, I believe that controlled, sensible religious education is an important basis.

Staatssekretärin Claudia Plakolm (ÖVP)

"We have a huge issue with foreign pupils who live in Austria and don't respect our values because they learn them at home. That's why I think the proposal to teach 'living in a democracy' at school is a good one. Child-friendly values courses and therefore more respect help people to live together at school and also help teachers. However, I do not see this as a replacement for denominational religious education," ÖVP State Secretary for Youth Claudia Plakolm told the "Krone" newspaper.

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read the original article here.

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