Atzenbrugg Castle

On “Schubert freshness” like 200 years ago

14.06.2024 05:46

Two centuries ago, the composer spent a summer retreat at Atzenbrugg Castle. Following restoration, the exhibition and Schubertiades now await visitors.

One of the great Austrian composers was a guest here: from 1820 to 1822, Franz Schubert spent the summer at Atzenbrugg Castle in the district of Tulln. Today, visitors can follow in the footsteps of the musician on 600 square meters of exhibition space. Around 1.5 million euros were invested in the renovation.

The grand opening this weekend will not only offer "summer freshness like in Schubert's time", but also a varied program of festivities with top-class concerts.

Ildiko Raimondi invites you to the Schubertiades. (Bild: Richard_Marschik)
Ildiko Raimondi invites you to the Schubertiades.
Construction work at Atzenbrugg Castle (Bild: Schloss Atzenbrugg)
Construction work at Atzenbrugg Castle

"A good 200 years ago, Franz Schubert spent happy days here in the company of his loyal friends. They made music, danced, philosophized, but also dined and drank happily," says Kammersängerin Ildiko Raimondi. From June 16th, the new artistic director herself invites you to "her" Schubertiades at Atzenbrugg Castle, "where you can hear music and poetry as well as lots of interesting facts about Schubert's time".

Modern museum and concerts
She will be supported by star baritone Thomas Hampson and actress Andrea Eckert. "Schubert's heart was open to everyone, you can feel that every step of the way," says Raimondi. "The aura of the place - from the palace to the park including the Salettl - can be experienced as a whole thanks to the restoration," says curator Agnes Brandtner.

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