KIZ Royalkino Graz

Clever and funny films for good coexistence

14.06.2024 09:00

Films focusing on education, peace, sustainability, world heritage and intercultural dialog are on the program from 17 to 22 June as part of the Unesco Film Week at the KIZ Royalkino in Graz. They are aimed at school classes in the morning, but also at the general public in the afternoon and evening.

This film week, which is curated in close cooperation with the Austrian Unesco Commission and the 18 Styrian Unesco schools, was already a huge success last year. So the KIZ decided to make it an annual series. This year's program once again includes award-winning films that focus on Unesco values such as education, sustainable development, climate change and the environment, peace, global citizenship education, human rights, intercultural dialogue and cultural heritage.

Films for young and old
This can be seen from the opening on June 17 with "Radical - A Class of Its Own". The film by Christopher Zalla tells the story of a Mexican primary school teacher who uses unconventional methods to open up new perspectives for his pupils. The program also includes Johannes Schmid's "Neue Geschichten vom Franz", based on the books by Christine Nöstlinger, and the wonderful superhero film "Sowas von super!" by Norwegian directorRasmus A. Sivertsen.

"New stories from Franz" (Bild: © 2023 NGF / Wild Bunch Germany)
"New stories from Franz"

Taika Waititi's comedy "Next Goal Wins" about the hapless American Samoa soccer team, the overwhelming nature film "Return to the Land of Penguins" byLuc Jacquet and "Wos tur i? - On the necessity of storytelling", in which Maria Wilding follows in the footsteps of the indomitable resistance fighter against the Nazi regime Maria Caesar, round off the selection.

The film selection is wide-ranging and is aimed at both children and adults. Individual school events are possible. All information can be found at

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