The joy is great

ÖVP and Greens reach agreement on animal protection amendment!

13.06.2024 15:01

Almost at the last minute, an agreement was reached between the ÖVP and the Greens in the interests of animal welfare. The governing parties have come to an agreement on the "pet package", which provides for some improvements to the previous law. Among other things, breeding and showing, as well as the training of dogs, will be more strictly regulated in future. A success for the "crown"!

Good things take time, you could say - but the tough wrangling over every single point in the new animal protection amendment seemed never-ending. The ÖVP promised to agree to the planned package at the "Krone" summit in January - but then there were massive blockades from the chancellor's party (we reported).

But now, to the delight of many, an agreement has been reached in the interests of the animals. Thanks are also due to the commitment of the negotiators from both parties.

Better protection
Among other things, the new law regulates the breeding of dogs and cats, the exhibition of pets, but also training - above all the so-called protection dog training - better and more strictly. After several fatal biting incidents, this was particularly important to the readers of "Krone".

"Krone" summit with Eva Persy (Animal Welfare Ombudswoman Vienna), Maggie Entenfellner (Animal Corner), Josef Hechenberger (ÖVP), Faika El-Nagashi (Greens) and Eva Rosenberg (Vier Pfoten, from left to right) (Bild: Katharina Lattermann)
"Krone" summit with Eva Persy (Animal Welfare Ombudswoman Vienna), Maggie Entenfellner (Animal Corner), Josef Hechenberger (ÖVP), Faika El-Nagashi (Greens) and Eva Rosenberg (Vier Pfoten, from left to right)

The exact wording of the law is currently still under lock and key - but we will be reporting on what the new protection for pets will look like in the coming days.

Cause for celebration
Many animal lovers are very happy about the agreement and the passing of this important law. Eva Rosenberg, Head of Vier Pfoten Austria: "This is definitely a reason to celebrate - because another important step towards greater animal protection has been taken!"

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read the original article here.

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