Supporting founders

New Burgenland start-ups in the fast lane

13.06.2024 15:59

The Burgenland Business Agency's initiative to support company founders has been running for four years. Interest in the program is high - this year there were 80 applications, setting a new record.

Care Development GmbH, VitaBlick and Pflegenavi are just three of a total of 30 start-ups that have managed to establish their companies on the market both nationally and internationally with the help of the StartUP Initiative Burgenland.

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Burgenland is a dynamic and promising location for entrepreneurial activities and the establishment of successful companies.

Martin Trink, Leiter von StartUp Burgenland

New record number of applications
And the response is great: this year there was even a new record with 80 applications. "The continuously increasing number of applications for our programs, which will exceed the 100 mark for the first time this year, reflects the attractiveness and relevance of our offers," says Michael Gerbavsits, Managing Director of the Burgenland Business Agency.

Twelve start-ups
A total of twelve start-ups will be taking part in the fourth round of the initiative. Among them is the innovative company "Friends in Flats", which has set itself the goal of revolutionizing the process of renting shared flats for students abroad.

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With Mario Schulter to the "Trumpetstar"
The start-up "Wendy Windenergy", which specializes in small vertical wind turbines, also wants to set new standards in the field of renewable energy. Mario Schulter hopes that his start-up "Trumpetstar" will improve trumpet lessons through an innovative combination of digital and analog teaching methods.

Provincial Councillor Leonhard Schneemann also emphasizes that Burgenland is a good breeding ground for innovative companies: "We are striving to create the right conditions and economic policy measures to make Burgenland attractive for new companies and start-ups." The business agency is currently involved in six start-ups. A new application process is also underway.

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