Anything seems possible!

How dirty will the Boateng trial be this time?

14.06.2024 07:29

What a nasty debut! Jérôme Boateng will make his first public appearance as an LASK professional at the regional court in Munich on Friday! Where the accusations made by one of the soccer star's ex-partners, which have been causing horror for years, will be reopened. But which the defendant rejects!

The crudest sexist abuse. Throwing a glass candlestick, a cool bag filled with cans. Tearing at hair. Throwing a person to the ground. Biting their head. Pressing your thumb into their eyes. Punching someone in the kidney. Spitting blood on someone after the defendant allegedly injured his lip during an argument that escalated during a card game in 2018 . . .

Boateng denies the allegations!

All allegations that Jérôme Boateng denies, but with which he will be confronted today at his first public appearance as a LASK professional. From 10 a.m. in Munich's Regional Court 1 in the retrial for assault, which was reported by the mother of his twins and for which the 35-year-old was sentenced to a fine of 120 daily rates of €10,000 each in October 2022. Before the verdict was overturned due to a technicality - and the charges had to be completely reopened.

This means that Boateng's lawyer will once again demand a full acquittal. Conversely, anything seems possible, as the 2024 world champion and two-time Champions League winner is facing an even heavier sentence than in autumn 2022, because in addition to the public prosecutor's office, which had demanded 18 months' probation, his ex-partner also filed an appeal against the verdict, which was later overturned, as a co-plaintiff.

That's how dirty the first trial was!

Which also raises the question: How dirty will the trial, initially scheduled until July 19, be this time?

  • The first trial was not only about Boateng's ex-partner's menstrual bleeding during her closing statement.
  • In her four-hour testimony about the eleven-year on-off relationship, she spoke of arguments, infidelity and repeated violence.
  • She presented photos with a visibly swollen eye and plate-sized hematomas on her upper arms.
  • While a witness tearfully stated that she had been filmed by Boateng's bodyguards and had felt threatened

The situation of the LASK
And how will LASK feel about the proceedings from today? There are no worries about having a professional with a criminal conviction, as a legally binding judgment will probably only be handed down after the end of Boateng's visit to Linz. However, this does not change the fact that there is a moral component for the club: Especially since there was a suicide by another of Boateng's ex-partners in 2021 in connection with the relationship.

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