Koralm mega-project

Western Styria railroad station: “Gateway to a new era

13.06.2024 17:00

The Koralm Railway is slowly but surely taking shape in Western Styria. The new station in Groß St. Florian is nearing completion, a new info park has been opened and the tracks have been laid. The first trains will run to Carinthia and back at the end of 2025.

People in the region can hardly wait for the Koralm Railway to finally pick up speed. The new Western Styria station in Groß St. Florian has already been largely completed, the overhead lines have been installed and the tracks laid. The commissioning phase will begin at the end of the year, with the first trains heading to Klagenfurt and back in December 2025.

Deputy Mayor Maria Kögl is particularly pleased with the high level of approval in the town: "We have rezoned 10 hectares of building land around the station so that a business park can be created." This guarantees the establishment of companies and new jobs.

Groß St. Florian: rails and overhead lines have been installed (Bild: Gerald Schwaiger)
Groß St. Florian: rails and overhead lines have been installed

For Deputy Provincial Governor Anton Lang, a "gateway to a new era" is opening after 30 years of planning and construction: "The Koralm Railway is a project of the century." One that will probably not be repeated on this scale in the near future. After all, an impressive 6.1 billion euros are being invested in the connection between Carinthia and Styria, including 23 station conversions and new buildings as well as the construction of 100 bridges.

Daten und Fakten
Der Jahrhundertbau

Der Koralmtunnel gehört zu den sichersten Bahnröhren der Welt. Bereits vor dem Einfahren werden alle Züge überprüft und mögliche Defekte erkannt. 

 Zwei Zuluftschächte liefern Frischluft.

 Die Elektro- und Telekomtechnik ist topmodern: 2000 Kilometer Kabel, 550 Verteiler und 90 Klimaanlagen sind installiert.

 50 Tunnelkilometer umfasst die 130 Kilometer lange Koralmbahn-Strecke.

With nine tracks, 450 park-and-ride spaces, a connection to the cycle path network as well as cab and bus stops, it is the largest new station on the 130-kilometre route. The icing on the cake is the outdoor Infopark, which opened on Thursday with a walk-through exhibition about the creation of the tube through the Koralm.

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