"Regret the transfer"

Carinthian basketball player in Libya “threatened with death!”

14.06.2024 06:00

Ruins, military, hand grenades, abandoned games - Austria's 99-time national basketball player Rasid Mahalbasic (33) has had enough of Libya after just a short time and wants to leave Benghazi as soon as possible! Now Austria's embassy is to help him out of the crisis country ...

According to the Federal Ministry, the travel warning level in Libya is six, and Austrians are being asked to leave the country. Nevertheless, one of them has been there for a good week: former national team basketball player Mahalbasic.

The Carinthian took the first few days at his new club Al Ahly Benghazi (where he has signed a lucrative one-month contract) with gallows humor.

In this picture, Carinthian Rasid Mahalbasic shows what Benghazi currently looks like ... (Bild: Krone KREATIV/Mahalbasic; zVg)
In this picture, Carinthian Rasid Mahalbasic shows what Benghazi currently looks like ...
Mahalbasic sent pictures of these ruins to the "Krone". (Bild: zVg)
Mahalbasic sent pictures of these ruins to the "Krone".
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You can buy anything on the black market here - hand grenades, machine guns. Really crazy.

Rasid Mahalbasic

"I was told that no one has been killed here in Benghazi since 2020. At least no deaths in the last four years ...", said the 99-time Austrian former international and added, shaking his head: "You can buy anything on the black market here - hand grenades, machine guns. It's really crazy."

Lots of poverty and misery
On the way through the streets, there is a lot of poverty and misery - ruins can be seen everywhere. "Life here is an absolute catastrophe," sighs Mahalbasic after several local inspections.

Thrown at with bottles
And now, after just four games played, the 33-year-old regrets going to the crisis-ridden African country. "We've already had one game called off because an opponent - he provocatively grabbed his crotch in a Muslim country - was pelted with what felt like 500 bottles and injured by spectators. Then the police and the military intervened," says Mahalbasic.

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At first I thought I would bite through it. But I really didn't deserve such barbaric conditions in my life.

Rasid Mahalbasic

"And most recently, our coach and I were attacked by our fans after a defeat - they broke down a door and threatened to kill us. Security had to intervene again, but luckily nothing happened!"

"Barbaric conditions"
Of course, the Klagenfurt center is now thinking about fleeing. "I'm writing an email to the Austrian embassy, I want to leave again on Saturday. But I also hope that I get my passport back at all. I did it for financial reasons, of course - but the conditions here are barbaric. It's the first time I've regretted a transfer ..."

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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