The problem of freedom of travel

Russian diplomatic agents threaten the EU

13.06.2024 18:14

Many Russians accredited as diplomats in the EU are mainly involved in secret service work, propaganda or even the preparation of acts of sabotage. Out of concern, several countries are now calling for their freedom to travel within the Schengen area to be restricted.

The visa-free travel of diplomats encourages "malicious activities", declared eight member states in a letter to the EU Commission with regard to fears that Moscow could intensify its attempts to divide the EU. The freedom of movement of members of Russian diplomatic missions and their family members should therefore be restricted to the territory of the state in which they are active. This would "considerably restrict" the radius of action for Russian agents.

The letter, which was made available to the AFP news agency on Thursday, was signed by the foreign ministers of the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Romania and the Netherlands.

The Russian embassy in Vienna (Bild: APA/HANS PUNZ)
The Russian embassy in Vienna

Foreign Ministry takes a wait-and-seeapproach
The Foreign Ministry in Vienna took a wait-and-see approach: "When a concrete proposal is presented, Austria will examine it, taking into account all the obligations we have as a host state of the United Nations and other international organizations," it said in a statement.

Since the start of the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine in February 2022, numerous Russian diplomats have already been expelled from European countries.

Many Russians accredited as diplomats in the EU are mainly involved in "intelligence work, propaganda or even the preparation of acts of sabotage", the foreign ministers of the eight EU states wrote.

Russian diplomats can cause enormous damage
Russia has been carrying out "large-scale operations in Europe for years, which have caused considerable material damage." The foreign ministers called on EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell to implement the travel restrictions immediately. The costs of possible Russian countermeasures are much lower than the potential damage that "Russian diplomatic agents can cause throughout Europe".

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