Expelled from school

No certificate for Aloisianum boys

14.06.2024 07:01

The teenage quartet is now without a school certificate after serious accusations by a girl. The boys allegedly locked the 15-year-old girl in a room during a project trip to the private high school in Linz and tried to coerce her. There is apparently no realistic chance that the suspects will receive an annual report card anywhere in July.

Four pupils from a 6th grade class at the Aloisianum private grammar school in Linz are strongly suspected of having locked up and coerced a classmate on a trip to Italy. As reported, they allegedly tried to force the 15-year-old to be massaged by her.

This incident, which is said to have taken place in a hotel in Assisi in mid-May, could have serious consequences for the teenagers' future careers. In addition to criminal consequences - the Linz public prosecutor's office is investigating allegations of deprivation of liberty and coercion - they now face the threat of not being allowed to graduate for the current school year.

School contracts terminated
In any case, the quartet will not receive a certificate from the Aloisianum. The reason: After the allegations against the boys (aged between 16 and 17) were substantiated, the school terminated the private law contracts with their parents. The consequence of this: Their sons have not been allowed to attend lessons since then.

According to the lawyers at the Upper Austrian Education Directorate, the four can now try to find a place at another school at short notice. However, in order to receive an annual certificate there, they would first have to take assessment tests for all graded subjects.

However, this seems almost impossible in terms of time. However, the boys can apply for a deferral and take the exams in the fall. It is probably more realistic that they will repeat the school year.

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read the original article here.

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