Before the EURO kick-off

Salzburg’s Gourna sees France at an advantage

13.06.2024 21:30

For Lucas Gourna-Douath, he is "one of the best players in the world". The Austrian Bundesliga's record signing is aware of the importance of his compatriot Kylian Mbappe for the French national team.

"He has incredible skills and can make the difference," said the Red Bull Salzburg midfielder about his compatriot, who is suffering from slight knee problems ahead of the opening game of the European Championship against Austria in Düsseldorf on Monday (21:00/live on ServusTV and ARD).

Whether with captain Mbappe or not, the world number two will go into the match as favorites. "The fact is that France is certainly one of the best teams in the world, works well as a team and also has great individual players in its ranks," explains Gourna-Douath. "So they have team unity and also individual strength." Nevertheless, the duel with Austria will be exciting. "France are the favorites for me, of course, but they also have to bring their qualities to the pitch and show that they are better."

"Title will be very difficult" for Austria
Gourna-Douath, who went through the entire French soccer training program, believes his country is a contender for the European Championship title. "But they are not alone. I also rate Germany, for example, as very strong." The 20-year-old believes that the Austrians, who only have one club colleague in the squad, Flavius Daniliuc, can play a good role at the tournament in their neighboring country. "Even if the title will be very difficult for them."

The French have a larger pool of top players. "There are an incredible number of children playing soccer in France. It starts at a very young age, when they're out on the streets of the suburbs playing from dawn to dusk," said Gourna-Douath. "I started that way too." The former France U19 captain grew up in Villeneuve-Saint-Georges south of Paris, while Mbappe grew up in Bondy in the north-east. While the superstar was drawn to AS Monaco as a youth player, the Salzburg kicker went through the academy of AS St. Etienne.

France's academies are an important success factor. Not only do you receive an excellent footballing education there, you are also "prepared for the big tasks", said Gourna-Douath. "A lot of emphasis is placed on physical and mental training." He himself made his professional debut in 2020 shortly after his 17th birthday.

Record purchase can imagine extension
The next step was to come in Salzburg. The Bulls paid no less than €13 million for the then 18-year-old in the summer of 2022 - the highest transfer fee ever paid by an Austrian club for a player. Gourna-Douath is still under contract with the runners-up until 2027. "I might even extend it again, who knows," said the youngster, leaving all doors open. "In any case, I feel really good here."

However, after missing out on the league title, he will have to go through the mills of Champions League qualification with Salzburg in the summer. The center-back was not considered for the French Olympic team, although he had already played for France's U21 team under team boss Thierry Henry the previous year. "Training under him is a great experience," said Gourna-Douath about the former star striker. "He's strict, but also very close with his players."

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