Puch kindergarten

Head of the village Schweitl has doubts about the tender

14.06.2024 12:00

The extension of the kindergarten in Puch is being examined. The expansion is not in danger. The community of 5000 inhabitants is now to have its first public toddler group. The new mayor Schweitl believes that examining the project is "logical" and "in the interests of the population".

No stop to the kindergarten expansion in Puch! Barbara Schweitl has already announced this as the new mayor. There is only one test she wants to carry out. The newly appointed head of the town has some doubts about the correctness of the tender.

Public toddler group to come
There is currently no waiting list for nursery children aged three to six in Puch - so Schweitl has "no time pressure". When it comes to toddler groups, Schweitl wants to break new ground: "We don't have a single public toddler group in Puch. It is our duty to offer one for our youngest children." The total burden on people is high enough anyway - relieving the burden on families is a matter of course.

Another group is coming
Around nine million euros have been earmarked for the project. The expansion is due to be completed in 2026. One group will be added as a result of the extension. The plan envisages adding another storey and thus increasing the floor space by 1,300 square meters. "I know the lack of space on site. Stopping the construction was never my goal. But we owe it to our population to carry out projects in accordance with the law. It is only logical to review a 9 million euro building in case of doubt."

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