Artist surprised

Ai Weiwei: “I don’t really like exhibitions”

13.06.2024 22:42

World star Ai Weiwei is currently exhibiting in the Salzkammergut. During the artist talk with Martin Weiss at Schloss Leopoldskron on Thursday, he revealed some surprising facts to the audience.

Artist Ai Weiwei prefers not to put his cell phone down at all. "He is very active on social media. That's his way of reaching people. And it works. Every time we go out together, his cell phone never stops ringing because so many people write back to him," says James Snyder, Director of the Jewish Museum in New York. The two men have been friends for many years. "James is my brother," jokes Beijing-born Ai Weiwei. And yet he is serious.

Martin Weiss, Ai Weiwei and James Snyder (from left to right) (Bild: Tschepp Markus)
Martin Weiss, Ai Weiwei and James Snyder (from left to right)

Artist Ai Weiwei describes himself as rootless. He was politically persecuted in his native China. He now commutes back and forth between Germany, Portugal and England. "It's an unpleasant situation. But I don't feel connected to my actual home country of China in any way. You can't call a country your home that is against you," the 66-year-old says openly during the artist talk with Salzburg Global Seminar Director Martin Weiss at Schloss Leopoldskron.

Doesn't mince his words
The internationally successful artist didn't mince his words in the city of Mozart either: "I may make art myself, but I generally don't like going to exhibitions. The reason is simply that I'm much more interested in reality than the depictions of reality that are shown."

In conversation with Martin Weiss at Schloss Leopoldskron, the Chinese artist answered all his questions. (Bild: Tschepp Markus)
In conversation with Martin Weiss at Schloss Leopoldskron, the Chinese artist answered all his questions.

However, Ai Weiwei could not completely escape art during his visit to Austria. The Marmorschlössl in Bad Ischl is exhibiting works by the Chinese artist alongside archaeological finds from the Hallstatt period (800 - 450 BC) as part of the Capital of Culture year.

The porcelain plates that Ai Weiwei designed during his visit to the Gmundner ceramics manufactory are completely new. It is a wonder that they were finished so quickly. The internationally renowned artist also posted videos of his visit there on his social media channels.

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