What is Murray doing?

Olympics: Why Dominic Thiem can hope for Paris

14.06.2024 06:27

There's still a chance! Why Dominic Thiem can still hope to compete at the Olympic Games in Paris.

The Olympic Games are almost every athlete's dream. In tennis, they were somewhat neglected for a long time before Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic elevated them to the same level of importance as the Grand Slams.

Dominic Thiem, on the other hand, voluntarily gave up the Olympics in 2016, also stating that he would have this opportunity later. He hadn't planned on Tokyo 2020 either, but when the Games were postponed to 2021, they weren't an issue after his injury.

Nadal uses "protected ranking"
At the end of his career, Thiem would like to experience the Olympics after all and applied for one of the two tickets for Grand Slam winners. A stroke of luck for Domi is that Nadal used his "protected ranking" to qualify, thus freeing up a place. However, three-time Grand Slam champions Andy Murray and Stan Wawrinka are still ahead of Thiem in the ranking. One of the two would have to miss out.

Andy Murray (Bild: ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Andy Murray
Stan Wawrinka (Bild: AFP or licensors)
Stan Wawrinka

Murray, who has already won two Olympic gold medals, said the same thing this week. "I don't know about the doubles," said the 37-year-old Briton, who would like to play them with his brother Jamie. "And whether I'll play if I'm only nominated for the singles." In addition, his body, especially his back, is getting back to normal. "I have to wait," explains Murray. And Thiem with him.

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