Hamas spokesman:

“No one knows how many hostages are still alive”

14.06.2024 07:31

Free the hostages and destroy Hamas. These are Israel's war aims. But now a spokesperson for the radical Islamic group is raising eyebrows: No one knows how many of the 120 or so Israeli hostages believed to be in the Gaza Strip are still alive.

In an interview with the US broadcaster CNN in the Lebanese capital Beirut, Osama Hamdan, a member of Hamas' political bureau, spoke among other things about the latest US proposal for a ceasefire, where the Palestinians still want to make "minor changes". The fate of the hostages and the recently emerged messages from Hamas leader Jihia al-Sinwar to Palestinian negotiators in Doha (Qatar), which are said to speak of "necessary sacrifices" among the civilian population, were also topics of discussion.

Messages from Hamas leader "are fake"
Regarding the latter, Hamdan said that it was "fake" news that had been sent to the Wall Street Journal in order to "increase pressure on the Palestinian negotiators and turn people against the leader". However, Hamdan was unable or unwilling to provide evidence for his claim.

Hamas leader Jihia al-Sinwar (Bild: AFP )
Hamas leader Jihia al-Sinwar

A few days ago, there was renewed hope that an agreement on a ceasefire was within reach. Both Israel and Hamas have signaled their willingness to agree to the plans drawn up by the US government. However, in the course of further negotiations, Hamas made requests for changes. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke of some adjustments that could not be implemented.

"No clear commitment from Israel"
In this context, the Hamas spokesman emphasized to CNN that "a clear commitment from Israel for a complete withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and a right to self-determination for the Palestinians" was missing. Only then could the Israelis who have been detained since October 7 be released. However, it is feared that the majority of the 120 or so people have already died.

Hamas and Islamic Jihad repeatedly publish videos of hostages in order to increase the pressure on the Israeli government. However, these are usually undated, so they provide little information about how the people shown are actually doing. (Bild: APA/AFP/HAZEM BADER)
Hamas and Islamic Jihad repeatedly publish videos of hostages in order to increase the pressure on the Israeli government. However, these are usually undated, so they provide little information about how the people shown are actually doing.
Rally for the Hamas hostages (Bild: APA/AFP/AHMAD GHARABLI)
Rally for the Hamas hostages

In response to a question, Hamdan explained: "I don't know how many are still alive. Nobody knows." Last weekend, four hostages were reportedly freed from the clutches of the Islamists. In addition to around 200 Palestinians - although it is unclear whether they were fighters or civilians - several abductees are said to have been killed. The Hamas media office spoke of "an unprecedented, brutal attack on the Nuseirat refugee camp".

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