"Historic finale"

These are the winners of “Germany’s Next Topmodel”

14.06.2024 08:05

For the first time in the history of "Germany's Next Topmodel", Heidi Klum (51) chose a winner and a runner-up on Thursday. The winner and runner-up each received 100,000 euros and can both be seen on the cover of the German magazine "Harper's Bazaar". See here who became Germany's Next Top Model this year!

Heidi Klum invited a number of celebrity guests to the final. Fans could look forward to the return of former "GNTM" judge Wolfgang Joop. Star photographer Rankin was also present at the finale. Actress Elizabeth Hurley was also announced as a star guest and graced the final show with her 22-year-old son Damian Hurley. Also present: footballer Bastian Schweinsteiger.

Exciting final of "GNTM"
In the final, models Xenia, Lea and Fabienne as well as Linus, Jermaine and twins Luka and Julian hoped to win the title of Germany's Next Top Model 2024.

The final opened with a red heart walk. (Bild: ProSieben)
The final opened with a red heart walk.
Heidi also showed off her singing talent. (Bild: ProSieben)
Heidi also showed off her singing talent.

The final opened with a walk all in red. Heidi sat on a giant heart dangling from the ceiling. The models had to show off their walking and dancing skills. After a vocal performance by US singer Sabrina Carpenter, a soccer shoot with Bastian Schweinsteiger followed to mark the European Championships. While he scored goals, the "GNTM" finalists had to pose in a soccer goal.

The soccer shoot was followed by the first decision of the evening. (Bild: ProSieben)
The soccer shoot was followed by the first decision of the evening.
Lea definitely emerged as the viewers' favorite during the show. (Bild: ProSieben)
Lea definitely emerged as the viewers' favorite during the show.

The first decision of the evening followed: for Fabienne and the twins Luka and Julian, the dream of winning the "GNTM" title came to an end after the photo shoot. Surprisingly, the twins said goodbye with a funny dance routine. However, this was less well received by viewers, as numerous posts on social media prove.

Head-to-head race for the title
Rankin, the Hurleys and Schweinsteiger advised Klum on her next, final decision - with Lea clearly emerging as the favorite among Heidi's guests.

"Everyone overcame the hurdles to get here," Heidi reflected on the past few weeks before announcing - with great excitement - that Lea was "Germany's Next Top Model 2024". Overjoyed, Lea beamed into the camera. The first thing she will do on Friday: Buy her own "Harper's Bazaar" cover!

After a commercial break, Klum announced "which man will make history on 'GNTM'": "It's Jermaine", Klum explained, which meant that Linus was the runner-up. Jermaine was also in tears of joy. It was really "surreal" and he could hardly believe it.

Special moment
A sweet moment during the final also went down very well with the "GNTM" fans. When Armin, who was eliminated in the semi-final, was asked about his personal highlight of the season, he said without hesitation: "There really were a lot of highlights, but my personal highlight is right in front of me!" He was of course referring to his "GNTM" colleague Grace. The two have become very close in recent weeks. In front of the camera, he asked Grace if she wanted to be with him. The answer: "YES!"

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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