New athletics coach

Klopp’s “mastermind” to give Bulls a boost

14.06.2024 09:15

The personnel carousel at runners-up champions FC Red Bull Salzburg continues to turn. There is to be another new addition to the coaching staff, who worked for many years under Jürgen Klopp at Liverpool FC. The German star coach praised his compatriot to the skies.

With Pepijn Lijnders as the new coach, FC Red Bull Salzburg is set to return to its former strength. According to several media reports - which coincide with information from the "Krone" - there will also be a new face in the Bulls' athletics department next season. Andreas Kornmayer has been announced as the new "Performance Manager". The 49-year-old from Germany worked until recently at Liverpool FC under Jürgen Klopp. Prior to that, he worked at FC Bayern Munich for around 15 years, where he helped the stars under renowned coaches such as Pep Guardiola and Jupp Heynckes.

Klopp has spoken highly of his compatriot in the past: "He is a real mastermind." Leopold Angerer is said to be affected by Kornmayer's signing. He was only "promoted" from FC Liefering to Red Bull Salzburg last season, but is unlikely to have fulfilled the expectations placed in him. Sebastian Kirchner, the second athletics coach, is likely to remain on the staff under new coach Lijnders.

Change already announced
In an interview with the "Krone" after the end of the past season, managing director Stephan Reiter had already announced that there would be personnel changes. As part of the start of training on June 24, one or two new additions to the staff will also be introduced.

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