Stop for car drivers

Climate stickers in custody: activist demo in Vienna

14.06.2024 09:02

Because several Last Generation activists are currently in custody, the group paralyzed traffic in the Rossauer Lände area of Vienna on Friday morning. According to the police, the activists described the unreported gathering as a "solidarity march". There was a traffic jam on the way to work.

"We are deploying sufficient forces and are clarifying the situation," explained the Vienna Provincial Police Headquarters on Platform X. At around 8.30 a.m., drivers were told to stop in the Rossauer Lände area. The traffic jam stretched all the way back to the Nordbrücke bridge and numerous emergency services were on site.

But why did the unreported assembly take place? Activists held up photos of several colleagues, including one of the well-known climate campaigner Anja Windl.

Climate stickers showed photos of their imprisoned supporters. (Bild: Letzte Generation AT)
Climate stickers showed photos of their imprisoned supporters.
(Bild: Letzte Generation AT)

She and other supporters are still serving their prison sentences. They started their sentence at the beginning of June. Laila Fuisz and three other men are also under arrest.

"We are protesting peacefully outside the doors of the Rossauer Lände police detention center in solidarity with the detainees. They are locked up because they are fighting for a future worth living," argued the group on X.

"Immediate measures needed"
"We need immediate climate protection measures instead of focusing on how to get rid of protesters," said Johannes Daxbacher, a retired religion teacher, at the protest on Friday.

The Last Generation also mentioned the current storm damage and incidents in Styria: "While Styria is under water, the effects of the climate crisis have long been clear and science couldn't tell us more clearly, the government prefers to lock away people who point out this catastrophe and the government's inaction."

The traffic jam stretched all the way back to the North Bridge. (Bild: Krone KREATIV)
The traffic jam stretched all the way back to the North Bridge.

The action nevertheless caused annoyance among road users. They were also affected, as it must have taken longer to get to the office before the weekend ...

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read the original article here.
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