Millions in Mecca

Hajj pilgrimage begins in sweltering heat

14.06.2024 09:58

The Muslim pilgrimage Hajj has begun in Saudi Arabia. In sweltering heat, crowds of people streamed through the rooms and courtyard of the Great Mosque of Mecca at the start on Friday, as pictures from the Hajj Ministry showed. In view of the extreme temperatures, the authorities called on worshippers to carry parasols. Around two million participants are expected.

At the beginning, the pilgrims circled the cube-shaped building of the Kaaba in the courtyard of the Great Mosque of Mecca seven times. They then made their way to the nearby Mina Valley, where they will spend the first night in a huge tent city. The pilgrimage involves great effort for the believers, if only because the temperature rises to more than 40 degrees during these days.

One of the duties in Islam
The Hajj pilgrimage is one of the five basic duties of Islam. Every devout Muslim who is healthy and can afford it should make a pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca once in their life. At the start of the pilgrimage, the faithful enter a state of consecration. Men wear seamless white robes, for example. The uniform clothing is intended to symbolize the equality of all Muslims before God.

Many believers save for years for the long journey from Asia, Africa or other parts of the world. The pilgrimage, which is also organized by travel agencies and tour operators, can quickly cost several thousand euros.

There are offers for people with less money, and those in need can receive help from charitable organizations. The number of pilgrims admitted per country is determined by a quota system. According to ORF, there is a quota of 670 people for Austrian pilgrims.

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