Battle in court!

Will Boateng’s trial end with a bang?

14.06.2024 10:42

Jérôme Boateng has been making his first public appearance as an LASK professional at the regional court in Munich since 10 a.m.! Where the allegations made by one of the soccer star's ex-partners, which have been causing horror for years, are being reopened. Now the trial could end with a bang! The "Krone" reports live from the scene.

Since 10 a.m., LASK star Jerome Boateng has had to face the retrial for assault, which was reported by the mother of his twins and for which the 35-year-old was sentenced to a fine of 120 daily rates of €10,000 each in October 2022, at Regional Court 1 in Munich.

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12.43 p.m. : Boateng disappears through the underground parking garage, past all the journalists waiting outside the courtroom.

12.32 p.m.: The judge interrupts the main hearing until next Friday!

12.16 p.m .: The judge wants to close the proceedings for today. But S.'s lawyer says: "I want to make a statement!" And continues: "The defense's strategy was predictable. They are using the narrative that the women are all just lying! Mrs. S. had only made everything up in order to assert her custody claims. And to Boateng she says: "They wanted to protect their children - and now they've revealed everything. But you fail to realize that this is not a testimony versus testimony situation, we have a witness, a telephone conversation with a second witness, we have medical records - we can prove everything! The lawyer for the co-plaintiff then mentions: "Mr. Boateng was also found guilty in the first trial." Which was enough for the judge: "She pointed out to Ms. S.'s lawyer several times, energetically and quite loudly, that she should not quote from a trial whose verdict had been overturned.

12.09 p.m. : After Boateng himself had mentioned Kasia Lenhardt several times, the judge ("I didn't really want to link the two cases") now also asks about Boateng's ex-girlfriend, who committed suicide in 2021. Lenhardt is said to have previously informed Ms. S.: "He also physically attacked me!"

11.58 am: Several short videos are shown that were recorded the day after Boateng's assault. It shows Ms. S. dancing, laughing loudly, obviously in a good mood.

11.50 a.m. : The judge now asks Boateng detailed questions about his account of the incident in 2018, which is said to have resulted in deliberate bodily harm. Boateng also answers in great detail, appearing very calm, considered and confident.

11.38 am: The judge fades in photos on a large screen showing hematomas on Ms. S.'s upper arm. Boateng: "She was training in a kickboxing club at the time." He says about a T-shirt splattered with blood: "That's my shirt and my blood from my lip - she wore the shirt." And regarding a photo showing a swollen eye of S., he says: "I didn't see this injury - but Mrs. S. sometimes puts on make-up!"

11.34 a.m.: Boateng concludes his remarks with the words: "High court! I would have liked to play soccer at the highest level for a few more years. But because of the accusations, I didn't get a contract with any top club _ so I'm all the more grateful to LASK now that they didn't let themselves be blinded by the prejudgement."

11.19 a.m.: The LASK star is still speaking and says about his ex-partner: "She made my life hell - and once even claimed that I had her raped!" He continues: "She's also the kind of person who kicks you in the face with high heels. She once hurt me with them in the car. She's the one who's aggressive, who spits, who threatens!" And: "I should have taken the threats seriously back in 2015."

11.07 a.m.: Boateng is asked if he would like to make a statement: "Yes, I would like to." The 35-year-old politely continues: "High court, I don't hit women, I don't put anyone under pressure! But I do make mistakes. I made one back then too . . ." Boateng, who read everything from a prepared statement, also explained that his ex-partner had hit him on the lip, that he was bleeding heavily and that he had been provoked. Original sound: "She knows which buttons to press on me!" Boateng admitted to throwing various objects!" But he also said: "I didn't throw anything deliberately to hurt Ms. S.! If anyone claims otherwise, they are deliberately lying." And further: "Ms. S.'s sole purpose in filing the criminal complaint, which was made three months later, was to put me under pressure."

11.02 a.m.: The judge explains: "The legal discussion has failed - a confession from the accused would have been necessary. Then the hearing of evidence could have ended . . . And further. "There was no agreement on that!"

11.01 a.m.: The judge returns to the courtroom.

10.29 a.m.: The session is interrupted until 11 a.m. - everyone retires to a meeting for a hoped-for agreement...

10.25 a.m.: The judge makes a plea to the public prosecutor, the co-plaintiff and the defendant - whether some kind of settlement is possible in the interests and for the benefit of the couple's children. She does so with the words: "The two 13-year-old girls have had to follow this dispute via the media for six years. And Susanne Hemmerich says something else - this time only in the direction of Jerome Boateng: "I have been a judge for a long time, but I have never had to observe such a prejudgement!"

10.11 a.m.: Judge Susanne Hemmerich quotes from the files of the trial from 2021 and 2022, in which Boateng was sentenced to a 1.2 million fine for assaulting his ex-partner - but whose verdict was overturned due to a technicality. Boateng, in a dark blue suit and white shirt, sips a coffee.

10.06 a.m.: Boateng appears in the courtroom - he tricked all the camera teams, came through the underground parking garage.

10.03 a.m.: No sign of the new LASK star!

9.50 am: Where is the defendant? TV crew and photographers are lurking outside the building - but 10 minutes before the start of the trial, Jerome Boateng is still waiting!

9.41 a.m.: Boateng's ex-partner, who is appearing as a co-plaintiff, enters District Court 1 in Munich accompanied by her lawyer and walks quickly into courtroom 101.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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