Treibach chases ex-professional

Referee attacked! Kicker banned for 14 games

14.06.2024 16:59

In the 1st class C, a Moosburg kicker attacked the referee and received a hefty penalty. Treibach is gearing up for the Regionalliga Mitte and chasing an ex-professional. In the Carinthian League, Bleiburg change their coach and the Austria Klagenfurt Academy have to let a talented player go. . .

The last matchday in the Carinthian soccer lower division was a round one - in a negative sense. Moosburg's Dragan Babic got into a fight with referee Bernhard Krainz and linesman Gerhard Meschnark directly after the match (1st class C) against Steuerberg! "He physically attacked both of them, giving them a heavy blow to the chest," explained Klaus Haslinglehner, Chairman of the KFV Penalty Committee. He handed the Slovenian a hefty 14-game ban!

Should help Treibach in the regional league: Mihret Topcagic. (Bild: ZVG)
Should help Treibach in the regional league: Mihret Topcagic.

Novak fixed, "Topo" to follow
Planning for the regional league continues at full speed in Treibach. With WAC veteran Mike Novak, everything has already been finalized - now the next ex-Wolfsberger is to be brought in: KAC bomber Mihret Topcagic is to be brought in as a replacement for Kevin Vaschauner (Feldkirchen), who has left the club - negotiations are already at an advanced stage.

Treibach, KAC and Velden are vying for Hartberg's Mario Kröpfl. (Bild: GEPA/GEPA pictures)
Treibach, KAC and Velden are vying for Hartberg's Mario Kröpfl.

Treibach is also still in contact with Hartberg's Mario Kröpfl, who will end his professional career. However, the 34-year-old is also being courted by the KAC and Velden - who have to cope with a difficult departure: Chief defenseman Manuel Wallner is moving to the KAC. Meanwhile, Carinthian League club Bleiburg have signed a new coach. Nevenko Vasiljevic is succeeded by former Donau coach Christian Trappitsch.

Sinan Karweina denies the transfer rumors. (Bild: GEPA pictures)
Sinan Karweina denies the transfer rumors.

Talent moves to Vienna
Former Austria Klagenfurt bomber Sinan Karweina is on the radar of many clubs in Germany - but the striker denied a possible move to third division side Saarbrücken (Germany) in an interview with the "Krone" newspaper: "There's nothing to it. There is interest from Germany 1st and 2nd division", emphasizes Karweina.

Meanwhile, youngster Silas Schoppitsch is moving from the Klagenfurt academy to that of Austria Vienna.

Curious and rare: In the U15 division, SAK defeated Donau II 40:1. The visitors were determined to play even though they only had seven kids (who were also much younger) - all in order to avoid a fine for not playing. In any case, they didn't do their own boys any favors. .

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