Second division team Stripfing

The coach is missing from the package

14.06.2024 13:39

At Zweitlist Stripfing, one piece of breaking news followed the next. In addition to the renovation work at their own facility, another construction site remains open: The Marchfeld team do not yet have a coach for the coming season...

It feels like not a day has gone by in the last two weeks without Stripfing in the second division announcing a new signing or contract extension. Part of the strategy of sporting director Alex Grünwald, who did not want to present his deals as a package, but individually and regularly, in order to increase the modest interest in the club from the small Weinviertel community. At least it's an attempt.

Stripfing's head of sport Alex Grünwald (Bild: GEPA pictures/ Armin Rauthner)
Stripfing's head of sport Alex Grünwald

The extension with captain Kürsat Güclü was the latest announcement to date. The squad, which also includes St. Pölten's Christian Ramsebner and Horn's Marco Hausjell, is taking shape. However, it remains to be seen who will be at the helm in the future. Grünwald does not yet have a new coach. According to "Krone" information, Florian Hart, most recently interim coach, withdrew at the beginning of the week because he wants to accept an offer from the Red Bull academy. Stephan Helm was also on the table, but was promoted from the Young Violets to the professionals at Austria.

Florian Hart leaves Stripfing (Bild: GEPA pictures/ Kevin Hackner)
Florian Hart leaves Stripfing

The fact is that Stripfing is a cooperation club of Austria and therefore cannot decide on its own in the search for a coach. If the Viennese are prepared to pay Stripfing's coach, as they did with Christian Wegleitner and Max Uhlig, they can also appoint him. Austrias sporting director Jürgen Werner is said to be campaigning for ex-Vienna coach Alex Zellhofer, while parts of the Stripfinger club management are longing for a comeback from Hans Kleer
And Grünwald? He is keeping a low profile: "We are talking to three or four candidates and will have a strong man on the line." Time is pressing, training starts next Wednesday...

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