European Championship goalie confirmed

Rangnick confirms Pentz as number one

14.06.2024 14:17

The decision has been made: Patrick Pentz will start the European Championship finals as Austria's number one goalkeeper. Team boss Ralf Rangnick confirmed the Brøndby legionnaire as the regular goalkeeper on Friday.

Following the absence of Alexander Schlager, Pentz is "the logical choice" between the posts for the head coach. "He has match practice and rhythm" and has impressed him in the recent past, said Rangnick.

(Bild: APA)

He stays with Brøndby
Pentz quickly became the regular goalkeeper at the Copenhagen club after his loan move from Bayer Leverkusen to Brøndby last summer, before which he had rarely, if ever, featured for either the Werks team or Stade Reims. "It speaks for him that he's a clever boy, that he made the move to Brøndby," said Rangnick. "Without the transfer and the fact that he has now played regularly, he probably wouldn't be in goal on Monday."

"Outfield player level"
Two years ago, Pentz played both games against France in the Nations League. He and his colleagues had no chance in the 2-0 defeat in Saint-Denis, but Pentz put in a strong performance in the 1-1 home draw, which probably enabled him to join Reims. Rangnick not only appreciates the 27-year-old's speed of reaction, but also his ability with the ball. "Football-wise, he's almost at outfield player level," said the team boss, only to add shortly afterwards: "But he's not one of our 25 best outfield players, otherwise we would have nominated him as an outfield player."

Pentz will be coached in the ÖFB selection by Michael Gspurning, who also works as goalkeeping coach at Union Berlin. "We are very happy to have him with us. I wanted to have an Austrian for this position if at all possible. Thank God Union agreed that he can do both, which is not a given," said Rangnick, praising the interpersonal skills of the former Austrian team goalkeeper in particular. "He fits in wonderfully."

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