Crew released

Into the hail: the radar image of the chaotic flight

14.06.2024 18:00

From the "Süddeutsche Zeitung" to the "BBC": the AUA plane badly damaged by a hailstorm is making international headlines. More and more experts are questioning whether the thunderstorm could have been seen, as originally claimed. Now the radar image of flight OS-434 has emerged.

The images of the Airbus A320, which was on its way from Palma de Mallorca to Vienna on Sunday and hit severe turbulence over Hartberg in Styria, went around the world.

In view of this radar image, which shows the route of the AUA flight, it seems impossible that the thunderstorm could not have been seen. (Bild: Krone KREATIV/Kachelmann)
In view of this radar image, which shows the route of the AUA flight, it seems impossible that the thunderstorm could not have been seen.

"Serious accusations against pilots"
Almost every major international media outlet has reported on the horror flight, in which the nose of the plane was literally shredded by hailstones and the cockpit window was also badly demolished. The "Spiegel", for example, ran the headline: "Serious accusations against Austrian Airlines pilots - into a hailstorm despite advance warning".

And even though nobody was injured in the end and the plane was able to land safely in Vienna-Schwechat, the incident still raises a few awkward questions.

The incident was reported worldwide. (Bild: Krone KREATIV/Screenshot Süddeutsche, Spiegel, BBC)
The incident was reported worldwide.

Did they underestimate the situation?
The central issue: why did the pilots put the 168 passengers and themselves in such a dangerous situation in the first place? Were there technical problems or did those responsible simply underestimate the situation?

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In addition to an internal investigation that has already been initiated, the Federal Safety Investigation Board will now also launch an external investigation.

AUA-Sprecherin Yvonne Wachholder

AUA has stated in several interviews that "the thunderstorm cell was not visible to the cockpit crew on the weather radar, according to their statement." The German weather expert Jörg Kachelmann even publicly accused the airline of lying on X. Because all recordings from that day would prove otherwise.

A radar image of flight OS-434 that has now emerged is likely to provide new fuel, as it clearly shows that the plane flew directly through the red thunderstorm cell. The authenticity of the image is not in doubt among experts.

"Windshield could have burst"
Josef Mündler from the Styrian hail defense, whose pilots were dealing with the same storm that day, also described the fact that nothing more serious happened as "tremendous luck". "The cockpit windshield could have burst, an engine could have failed from the hailstones," he said in an interview with the "Krone" newspaper a few days ago.

Markus Pohanka from Austro Control. (Bild: Franz HELMREICH)
Markus Pohanka from Austro Control.

Incidentally, Austro Control firmly rules out the possibility that the air traffic controllers on the ground may have reacted incorrectly: "For the period of the flight in question, we had published weather forecasts in line with international standards and event-related weather warnings for en-route traffic, which indicated the risk of thunderstorms with hail in the region," said Markus Pohanka from the Austrian air traffic control authority on Friday when asked. The final decision must "always be made by the pilot".

External investigation initiated
AUA answered the question about consequences and lessons learned today as follows: "There is a set period of time after an incident like this in which the crew is released from flight duty and - if necessary and requested by those affected - is looked after. In this case, this is a period of seven days," says spokeswoman Yvonne Wachholder.

In addition to an internal investigation that has already been initiated, "the Federal Safety Investigation Board will now also initiate an external investigation".

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read the original article here.

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