Thanks to a strong run

PREVIEW: Ironman aktuell on Sunday

16.06.2024 06:44

The Frenchman Denis Chevrot wins the 25th Ironman Austria with a time of 07:49:11 ahead of his compatriot Arthur Horseau and the Norwegian Jon Breivold. The best Austrian was Georg Enzenberger in eighth place.

In the end, the French came out on top! Denis Chevrot was the fastest at the 25th Ironman Austria - 3:09 minutes ahead of his compatriot Arthur Horseau. "I knew that I was the better runner of the two of us, but I was able to improve," beamed Chevrot. Third place went to the Norwegian Jan Breivold. The best Austrian was Georg Enzenberger in eighth place - eight minutes behind.

The "Krone" photo course:

Wojt started strongly as expected
In the morning, ex-professional swimmer Lukasz Wojt got off to a confident start, leading 27 seconds ahead of Bence Lehmann (Hungary) after 3.8 km of swimming. The best Austrian, last year's third-placed Georg Enzenberger (Upper Austria), came out of the water in 14th place - 1:10 minutes behind Wojt. Michael Weiss (Lower Austria) got on his bike almost at the same time as Thomas Steger (T) - almost five minutes behind Wojt.

25th Ironman Austria

  • The start will take place on Sunday at 6.30 am at the Klagenfurt lido, the swim exit is after 3.8 km at the Hotel Seepark. The first athlete is expected there at around 7.15 am.
  • The bike course leads over 180 km along the south shore road to Velden, to Lake Faak, back to Velden and up the Rupertiberg. Via Ludmannsdorf and Köttmannsdorf, the route then leads back to the Hotel Seepark - and from there onto the second lap.
  • The marathon runs between Krumpendorf and Klagenfurt city center. The winner is expected at the Klagenfurt lido shortly before 3 pm.
Georg Enzenberger (Bild: GEPA pictures)
Georg Enzenberger

Enzenberger still doing well on the first bike lap
However, the strong swimmer Wojt was soon caught up by the chasing pack. The leaders were in a large group for a long time. Up to the 90 km mark, the Norwegian Kristian Grue was able to pull away, leading before the second loop on the bike by 1:23 minutes ahead of Wojt and - the best Austrian - Georg Enzenberger. His teammate Michi Weiss, winner in 2018, had already reduced the gap to 3:38 minutes in 15th place.

Weiss fights his way back on the bike
On the second bike loop, breakaway rider Kristian Grue (Nor) had to let the chasers close in - and was caught. So Niek Heldoorn (Hol) went into the run as the leader - the Norwegian followed just two seconds behind. In the chasing group, Arthur Horseau (Fr), Jon Breivold (Nor) and Denis Chevrot (Fr) remain within touching distance just under two minutes behind. Georg Enzenberger (Upper Austria) in ninth and Michi Weiss (Lower Austria) in tenth are around three minutes behind on the run course.

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