"Team pass is here"

Rapid and Union Berlin announce cross-field switch

14.06.2024 16:07

The ink is dry! As the "Krone" already reported on Wednesday, Leopold Querfeld is moving from SK Rapid to Union Berlin. "The team pass is there", says Querfeld in a short clip on Twitter.

The 20-year-old central defender is the second Rapid player after Christopher Trimmel, who has been with the Iron club for a decade, to movefrom Hütteldorf to Köpenick.

He had already undergone a medical check before joining the ÖFB team's European Championship camp in Berlin. Union are likely to have made use of an exit clause for the transfer, according to which Querfeld can leave Rapid for a fixed transfer fee of 2.5 million euros.

Querfeld comes from the Rapid youth ranks and made his professional debut two years ago. The powerful defender has been a regular in the past two seasons and also made his debut for the ÖFB national team in March in the test in Slovakia (2:0). Querfeld traveled to the European Championships in Germany with two international appearances so far. He was also previously captain of Austria's U21 national team.

Managing Director Sport Markus Katzer said of Querfeld's departure: "It was highly likely that Leo would take the next step in his career this summer. His contract extension a year ago, which hardly seemed possible due to the short remaining term, was one of the first major challenges during my time in office. The fact that this was successful was pleasing and was confirmed by 'Querli' with a brilliant season. He is an exceptionally professional athlete with a strong personality and has always communicated openly with us about his career plan. I am convinced that he will also succeed in the German Bundesliga and wish him all the best, both personally and on behalf of our club."

Leopold Querfeld himself says: "A decisive and formative period in my life is now coming to an end with my move to 1. FC Union Berlin. I am very grateful for my time at SK Rapid and will of course remain a Green-White player at heart. I would also like to say a special thank you to the Rapid fans. It was always very special for me to be able to represent our colors in front of this crowd. I hope that I will be remembered fondly and that some people will continue to keep their fingers crossed for me and follow my career. Leaving SK Rapid and my home town is not an easy step, but I am delighted to be able to work for another exceptional club in one of the strongest leagues in the world. I will continue to follow the path of my home club closely and wish the entire Rapid family, especially my former teammates, coaches and supporters, much success in the future."

After participating in the Champions League for the first time, the club barely avoided relegation last season as 15th in the league. Under new coach Bo Svensson, who worked for FC Liefering in Salzburg for a year and a half from 2019 to 2020, the aim is to get back to the top.

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read the original article here.

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