Traffic jam on the A13

G7 controls paralyze Brenner Pass: 2-hour wait

15.06.2024 14:45

The border controls on the occasion of the G7 summit in southern Italy were also clearly noticeable at the other end of the country on Saturday: anyone wanting to travel to Italy via the Brenner Pass in Tyrol needed a lot of patience on Saturday. At times, there was virtually no traffic at all on the A13. Traffic was also more than slow on other routes in Austria.

Border controls in Italy due to the G7 summit being held in the south of the country more or less brought traffic over the Brenner Pass to a standstill on Saturday. According to the ÖAMTC, the traffic jam on the Brenner freeway (A13) in the direction of Italy stretched over 18 to 19 kilometers at midday, with a time loss of more than two hours.

The Austrian emergency services were prepared for the scenario. As the alternative routes were also so heavily congested from later in the morning that there was no further progress, the vehicles were diverted from there back onto the A13.

Waiting times also in Carinthia and Salzburg
There were also waiting times when leaving for Italy at the Carinthian border crossing at Arnoldstein on the southern highway (A2). There, people had to be patient for around half an hour. In Salzburg, road users lost around one and a half hours in the southbound direction on the Tauernautobahn (A10) due to heavy excursion traffic before the Golling-Werfen construction site.

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